Michelle’s session was one booked out of curiosity, like Laura’s, and ended up bringing her clarity and insight into her current life. It’s one of the many things I love about these sessions – the necessary memories come up for exactly what the client needs to know or understand.
When Michelle got off the cloud, I asked her where she was, and she responded that she was at her Grandma and Grandpa’s house. She felt she was maybe 6 or 7 years old in her current lifetime, and when I asked her what she was doing at her grandparents’ house she said she was on the couch with “Poppy” – her grandpa – watching football on TV, while Grandma was in the kitchen.
Jami: How do you feel about your grandparents?
Michelle: I love my Poppy.
J: Does he have anything to say to you right now? Or anything you feel?
M: (pause) It’s nice just to spend time with him. It's been a long time.
J: Is there anything you want to say to him while you’re there?
M: It's just nice.
I let her know she can spend as much time as she needs to with him, and to let me know if anything comes up, or if there’s anything she’d like to say to him while she’s there to go ahead and say it. She began to cry. It is very common for my clients to become emotional during these sessions.
M: (crying) It’s just been so long. I miss those simple times.
J: Yeah, it’s easy to miss those simple times from when we were young. You can take this feeling and this memory with you back to your present life and reflect on it anytime you need to visit your happy place. Even if he’s not here physically, his energy is.
I gave her this suggestion so that she could tap into that feeling of love and simplicity whenever life gets challenging. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool for that reason!
J: Is there anything you want to let him know? Or anything you want to share?
M: No. Just… it’s comfortable.
J: Would you like to stay there a little bit longer or would you like to explore a different time?
M: Stay here a little longer.
When she was ready, I took her back to the cloud, and I invited her to move to a different life, to a significant time in her soul’s journey. When she came down off the cloud, she saw a little house and a barn at a dead end road out in the country. She said it was up a little hill, with a rock driveway, and big oak trees. At first she couldn’t see what she looked like, how old she was, or if she was male or female. I gave her suggestions to be able to see and know.
M: I’m a girl… I think I’m in my 20s. I have on a red dress. It’s got white trim on it. And a belt. Stockings. Some shoes. Black saddle shoes.
J: Are you still on that rock driveway with the house and the barn?
M: Yeah.
J: Is this where you live?
M: Yeah, I think so.
J: Do you live with family?
M: Yeah, there’s some kids there.
J: Are they your kids or siblings or somebody else?
M: They’re siblings.
J: So you still live with your mom and dad?
M: I think I’m there visiting.
J: So you don’t live there anymore?
M: No, it’s a family home.
J: Where are you visiting from?
M: I live in town. In the city. It took me a little bit to get here.
J: How did you travel there?
M: I took a car. A friend drove me.
J: Can you get a feel for what time frame this is in?
M: I think it’s… the 50s.
J: Is there an occasion you’re visiting your family for?
M: It’s my mom’s birthday.
J: Are you close with your mom?
M: Yes.
J: Has anyone else traveled with you?
M: A gentleman.
J: Is he your partner or spouse?
M: We’re engaged.
J: How do you feel about him?
M: I like him a lot.
J: (chuckles) That’s good, since you are engaged after all!
M: A dog is coming up. A collie.
Nothing significant was happening but I liked that she was descriptive in what she was experiencing. It helps keep the imagery flowing.
J: Would you like to go inside?
M: Yeah.
J: Whenever you’re inside let me know what you see.
M: I’m in the kitchen. There’s a little red table with the silver trim on it. Matching chairs. Old ice box. The kids are in the room downstairs.
J: Are these your siblings?
M: Yeah, I think I’m the oldest.
J: How many siblings do you have?
M: I think I have three. My brother is in his mid teens.
J: Who else is with you?
M: My mom is in the kitchen with me. She has herself a birthday cake.
J: What are the main emotions you’re feeling right now?
M: Contentment. Nostalgia of being home. There’s a tire swing out back. It’s just a comfortable homey atmosphere. It feels nice to be home.
J: Is there anything you’d like to talk to your mom about while you’re here? Or any messages she has for you?
M: It’s gonna be okay.
J: Do you know what she’s referring to?
M: Life. Sometimes things are tough.
J: Do you want to stay here or move to a different time?
M: Move.
I give her suggestions to move to a significant time in this lifetime, and she finds herself back at her apartment. She’s married now, and believes his name is Charles, and they’re having a baby. She’s nervous, and excited. At the moment, her husband is at work, and she’s watching traffic on the street, and it’s raining outside. She spends her time sewing clothes for the new baby. Nothing much was happening beyond this, so I asked if she’d like to stay here or move to another significant time in this life, and she said she wanted to move.
M: It feels like it’s night. I’m in bed.
J: Still at your apartment?
M: No, we have a house now.
J: Has your baby been born?
M: Yeah. It was a boy. He’s 10 now.
I asked her about her husband, and she said she wants another baby, but he doesn’t, which hurts. I asked her how she’s handling that, and she replied that she thinks they should just let things happen as they happen. She then suddenly realized she has a daughter, too, and that she’s four. They live in the suburbs and the kids play outside, but she couldn’t get a feel for the exact location. She sees that she does end up having a third child, a girl. I move her forward to another significant event in that lifetime.
When she arrives, she finds that she’s still living in the house where they raised their kids. She’s in her rocker, and her grandkids are with her, visiting for Christmas. She sees presents, a Christmas tree in the corner with blue lights and tinsel. There’s also a fireplace, and frost on the windows. She’s feeling tired, that her body is getting old, and she misses Charles. He passed a while ago.
I ask if she’s ready to move to a different lifetime, and she says she’s ready. I invite her to thank this version of her for all the wisdom she gained from this experience, and invite her back to the cloud. When she comes down from the cloud into the new memory, her voice is much lower.
M: I’m hungry… I’m in an alley.
J: Do you have a home?
M: Yeah. But it’s not nice.
J: Are you male or female?
M: I’m a boy.
J: Do you know how old you are?
M: 12.
J: Did you run away? Or are you just hiding for right now?
M: Hiding.
J: What’s your home like?
M: I work a lot.
J: What kind of work?
M: Shoes.
J: Do you like that work?
M: No. It’s my dad’s stuff.
J: What’s your dad like?
M: He fixes shoes. He’s mean. But he does good work. If it weren’t for him we’d be starving.
J: You said you’re hungry right now?
M: Yeah.
J: Do you know why?
M: It was a hard week. I messed up on some shoes.
J: Is your dad angry?
M: Yeah.
J: Do you have any siblings?
M: No.
J: Do you have a mother?
M: Yeah.
J: What’s she like?
M: She’s quiet.
J: How does your dad treat her?
M: He’s okay to her. He’s worse to me.
J: Why’s that, do you think?
M: Mom’s sad all the time. It’s my fault. She was supposed to have a baby. I got sick. The baby didn’t make it. She got sick. She almost didn’t make it. I’m a tough boy though.
It was really fascinating to listen to her talk. Her voice had significantly changed from the way she normally talks, as though she fully embodied this young boy.
J: What kind of emotions do you carry?
M: (long pause) I don’t share my emotions. With anyone.
J: What would happen if you did?
M: My dad would treat me worse.
J: Sounds like he’s got a lot of troubles too. A lot of things he hasn’t healed. Do you think you can forgive your dad for treating you that way?
M: Yeah. He had it hard too.
J: Yeah. And that’s not your fault.
I like to address these moments in my sessions, because sometimes we can carry resentment or bitterness or anger over into our current lifetimes that originated from unhealed wounds in past lifetimes. Anytime I see an opportunity to forgive and release any negative emotions, I take them, to offer the client the chance to free themselves from those same emotions in their current life. This has the potential to strengthen relationships in their current lifetime as well, since some of those negative emotions from former lives can cloud current emotions, or can cause unnecessary insecurities.
J: Do you want to stay in this alley and explore it or go to a different time in this life?
M: Stay here.
J: Is there a reason you’re in this alley?
M: Yeah. There’s a neighbor at the end of it. He has food for me.
J: Do you want to see this neighbor?
M: Yeah.
J: You said this neighbor is a man?
M: Yeah.
J: Does he have a family?
M: Yeah. He’s a baker. A cook. He saves scraps for my family. Gives me the extra jobs. I like them. I wanna be a baker.
J: Does he teach you things? Baking?
M: Yeah. He always smells like fresh dough and yeast.
J: What’s his house like?
M: It’s got music. A happy feeling.
J: How many kids does he have?
M: He’s got like six kids.
J: About what age?
M: Yeah, he’s got an older daughter, about my age.
J: Are you friends?
M: I’m too shy.
J: Do you like her?
M: Yeah.
J: Does she like you?
M: Not yet.
J: Sounds like despite your home life being so hard, you’ve got a lot of love in your life.
M: Yeah, his wife is nice, too.
J: Do they know your home life is hard?
M: Yeah. They try to help. Lots of kids, lots of shoes.
We decide to move forward to a significant time in this lifetime.
M: I’m in my garage. Helping my son fix his bike.
J: So you’re much older now?
M: Yeah. He thinks he’s got it bad. (Chuckles) I’m teachin’ him to fix his bike.
Her voice significantly changed again during this part. It was deeper, a bit gruff, and her speech was short and clipped.
J: Why does he think he’s got it bad?
M: ‘Cause I won’t let him get a car.
J: Does he know the struggles that you had growing up?
M: Not… not that much…
J: How old is your son?
M: Seventeen.
J: Can you see what you guys are wearing?
M: Yeah… he’s got on slacks and… like a… a T-shirt… but it’s old. It’s older. He’s got a button up shirt over the top of it.
J: How many kids do you have?
M: I think there’s just two of them… him and his brother.
J: Is their mom around?
M: Yeah, she’s in the house cookin’.
J: How is you guys’ relationship?
M: We’re okay, things are tight financially but… still good.
J: What do you do for work?
M: I work in the garage. Fixin’ automobiles.
J: Do you like this work?
M: Yeah I… it’s hard sometimes… Greasy. Dirty.
J: I see you didn’t grow up to be a baker.
M: No.
J: What made you change your mind?
M: There’s better money in vehicles. And boys don’t do the baking.
J: Your neighbor did.
M: Yeah, I know. Dad would have been disappointed.
J: Is your dad still around?
M: Yeah.
J: Is he in your life much?
M: Yeah, we’re taking care of him.
J: He must be pretty old. Is your mom still around?
M: No.
J: Does your dad live with you?
M: Yeah.
J: Is that hard?
M: Yeah, but he’s nice to my wife. We have food, and I make good money.
J: Are you happy?
M: For the most part. We got good kids. Little troublemakers sometimes.
J: Is there anything else significant going on right now?
M: My son is… sweet on a girl. Thinks a car will impress her. He’s not saved up enough money yet though. Tryin’ to make him responsible. Gotta take care of the family. Family is important. Got a dance comin’ up.
J: Is he inviting that girl?
M: Yeah. She says yes. I offered to drive them.
J: Does he take you up on that?
M: No. He’s stubborn, he’s gonna walk. He’s a good boy.
J: You must be proud of him.
M: Yeah.
J: What are you feeling right now?
M: I’m feeling proud.
J: How do you feel about your life now compared to your childhood?
M: Much better. I made somethin’ of myself. Proved my worth.
J: And you know your worth?
M: Yeah.
J: Is there anything else you’d like to explore here? Anybody else that’s in your life that’s important? Anything you’re experiencing that’s important?
M: My sister.
J: What’s she like?
M: She’s younger than me. She’s… getting ready to have another kid. Dad doesn’t like her husband though.
J: Do you like him?
M: He’s a good guy. Takes care of my sister.
J: Why doesn’t your dad like him?
M: He doesn’t think he’s worthy of her. But he’s a good guy. Takes care of her and the kids. Takes care of his family.
J: What’s significant about your sister in this moment?
M: She’s movin’. They’re movin’ to the country. Got a bigger house. The kids can… roam the fields. It’ll be better for her.
J: Where’s she at right now?
M: City life. City life’s tough. Country life’s better. More opportunities for her husband. He’s in machinery. Factory work isn’t good for him. It’ll be healthier for them.
J: Do you live in the city right now, too?
M: Yeah, in the city.
J: How do you like it there?
M: It’s home. Keeps me busy. Lots of vehicles. The garage is my workplace.
J: Is there anything else you’d like to explore here or would you like to move to a different point in this lifetime?
M: I don’t think Dad’s gonna make it much longer.
J: How do you feel about that?
M: Relief. Some freedom there.
J: Has he been a bit of a burden for you guys?
M: (pause) Yeah. But there’s no one else around for him to go to. ‘Cept for my sister. I can handle this.
J: You’ve always been tough, I guess.
M: Yeah. I take care of the boys. My sister’s got lots of boys. Her son helps me in the shop.
J: Are they moving far away or will they be close enough that he can still help you?
M: He’ll visit. Then he can teach his dad what he’s learning in the shop. He’s a good kid.
J: Sounds like you both have good families.
M: Yeah.
J: Would you like to stay here some more?
M: Yeah.
J: Tell me what else is going on.
M: There’s talk of war. I’m worried for my boys. Especially my oldest.
J: How are you feeling about this war?
M: No war’s good but… we all gotta do what we gotta do. Safety. Duty. Honor.
J: How does your son feel about the possibility of going?
M: He don’t wanna go. (Coughs) He’s in the prime of his life. So he thinks. (Her voice is getting raspy)
J: So what ends up happening?
M: (coughs) He’s gonna marry that girl he likes.
J: Do they get married before he goes to war?
M: Yeah.
She coughs really hard, to where I’m afraid she’ll break her trance. She doesn’t, and recovers quickly.
J: That must be really hard for her.
M: She’s gonna come live with us.
J: Do you like her?
M: She’s a good girl. My wife always wanted a daughter anyways.
J: How long is your son away? Do both boys go?
M: Just the oldest.
J: For how long?
M: He’s gone for at least a year. His wife had a baby. He gets to be a dad when he gets home. He comes home with some… injuries… It’s tough seein’ your kids go through that.
J: What kind of injuries?
M: He’s got some shrapnel stuff in his arm. Hit in the head. Gets headaches. (Pause) But he’s home now.
J: Has he changed at all?
M: He’s a lot quieter than he used to be.
J: How are you feeling?
M: Frustrated.
J: What’s got you frustrated?
M: He’s my boy. There’s pride there though. He did his duty. Served his country. He’s a tough boy, he’ll be okay.
J: Just like his dad.
M: (pause) Just like his dad…
J: Are they living with you or do they have their own house?
M: They’re workin’ on gettin’ their own house. Apartment. City. Couple of blocks from us. It’s a little rougher part of town, but… It’ll be okay.
J: Do you want to stay here or do you want to move forward in this lifetime? Is there anything else you need to learn here?
M: My other son he’s… angry he didn’t get to go. But I feel blessed he didn’t get to go. Times are changing.
J: How so?
M: War has new things comin’. Inventions and stuff. Bringin the world into a… better time period. Telephones. Electricity is… regular. Indoor heating and stuff. Radiators. They make it easier on us in the winter. (Excited) They’re talkin’ about electric heat.
J: Do you get to live into old age to see all these changes?
M: (pause) Things move fast.
J: Do you want to move forward into that time, when things are changing?
M: Yeah.
I give her the suggestion to move forward, and I ask her to describe what’s going on.
M: I don’t get much older. Not too far. 40s.
J: What happens?
M: (pause. Out of breath.) I have a hard time breathin’. Too much smokin’.
I wondered if this is what caused the coughing fit earlier? I didn’t ask, though.
J: What’s going on now?
M: It’s time to let go.
J: Are you ready?
M: Yeah.
J: You can go ahead and let go. You lived a good life. What’s the greatest thing you learned from this life?
M: Keep movin’ forward. Take life as it comes. The good and the bad. Learn from what you live through. Don’t miss out on the things you wanna do.
J: That’s good advice. Do you feel you missed out on anything?
M: No.
J: Good. Have you passed on yet?
M: (pause. Quiet.) Yeah…
J: Where are you? Can you feel anything or sense anything?
She was quiet for a long time, then suddenly woke up. She blinked and looked around, and seemed confused or bewildered at first. I greeted her, and she asked if she was supposed to come back. Anything is possible in this field, so for whatever reason, she felt she was supposed to come back. She said one moment she was leaving the body of the man, and the next she was back on the table.
We reflected on her experience, and I asked her about her coughing fit and if she thought that was because she was a smoker in that life. She had no memory of having a coughing fit, which I found very fascinating. She also pointed out that she hates shoes, which we both got a chuckle out of, considering her unpleasant experiences with shoes in that childhood.
She felt these memories pointed to how important family is to her in this lifetime. Family was certainly the overarching theme in the lifetimes she visited, and she displays that in her current lifetime. One thing I admire about her as a mother is her open acceptance of the directions her children want to go in their lives. She supports and loves them unconditionally, and disagrees with parents who try to hold their children back. I wonder if this ties in with the fact that she didn’t pursue baking as a career in that former lifetime, and felt the need to go into a profession that would make her father proud.
I believe that whatever comes up in a regression is necessary and significant to the person in their present lifetime, and can offer insight, wisdom, and potential healing for whatever they might be currently experiencing.