Who Am I?
My name is Jami Christine. I could tell you I'm all kinds of things -- I'm an author, I'm an artist, I'm a massage therapist, I'm the owner of a wellness center, I'm a resident of Southern Illinois, I'm a play-by-ear pianist, I'm a painter, I'm a boymom, I'm divorced, I'm a hiker, a traveler, a runner, a weight lifter... I'm so many things, but these are all things I've done, and things I do. So, who am I, or what is me, if these are just things I do?
My soul-searching journey has been going on all my life. It picked up speed in my early teens, where I dove deep into metaphysics, as well as learned some valuable life lessons about unconditional love, acceptance, and non-judgement. My dark night of the soul hit hard in 2011, and I began my true journey of self-discovery in 2012 when I learned how to harness my inner power and take the reins of my own life. Life has been an incredible adventure ever since.
I'm passionate about guiding others on their journey -- to help you discover how incredible your own life can be. I want to help you see what gifts your challenges truly are, and the power you have within yourself.
I do this in many ways. In my hometown, I work directly with the body as a massage therapist, releasing trapped emotions as well as tight muscles.
Beyond my hometown, I have many gifts to offer. For those who gain inspiration and growth through literature, I have my novel, The Transcendent, which is a story of healing and growth intertwined with magical realism that was inspired by my own healing journey. For the aspiring authors and creative writers, I have my non-fiction, Transcend Your Story, which serves as a guide to transform your own healing journey into a fiction novel.
For the curious soul-searchers and/or personal growth enthusiasts, I am thrilled to offer past life regression hypnotherapy sessions, via Zoom or in person for the locals or travelers.
Do you have a story to tell or a passion to share that you believe will make the world a better place, or get people thinking outside the box? I'd love to have you as a guest on my podcast, Transcend with Jami Christine. If you're interested in being a guest, you may fill out this questionnaire, and let me know when it's submitted by sending me an email.
If you'd like to chat with me to see which of my offerings would be the best fit for you, or if you have any other questions, you may email me at jamichristinecoaching@gmail.com.