How I met George was nothing short of divine intervention. We both went to a gathering where we were connected by a mutual friend through a common interest. At that gathering I did something I rarely do amongst strangers — talk openly about my interest in the metaphysical and my belief in the extraterrestrial, and of course I added information about my growing hypnotherapy business. I came away from that gathering feeling a bit embarrassed, wondering what everyone must think of me. Who is this crazy girl who thinks everything is energy and aliens are real?
Well, George was intrigued, and he contacted me not long after, wanting to know more about my hypnotherapy service. He had some childhood trauma he wanted to clear, and he was also curious about past lives. I told him I do both, and he eagerly scheduled both. I was relieved to say the least — I told him how embarrassed I was that I revealed so much unconventional information about myself with people I just met. He reassured me that he found it fascinating and exciting.
His first session was incredible, to put it mildly. He experienced deep healing, transformation, and showed both of us the power of hypnosis as a form of therapy. I was humbled once again by the resilience of the human spirit, and reminded of how each one of us has stories from our past that have shaped us into who we are today, and if we look deep enough, we don’t have to let those stories define us.
That’s exactly what George did, too. Due to the personal nature of it, I won’t share his first session, but suffice it to say that digging deep into the dark corners of his past led him on a healing journey far more profound than he ever anticipated, and pointed him on a path to rediscover himself in ways few humans are fortunate enough to experience in their lifetime. I am incredibly honored and grateful that George was brought into my life, and that I was reckless enough to openly share my unorthodox beliefs and interests on that fated day we met.
The transcript you are about to read is our second session, which he booked simply out of curiosity. On a personal level, this was the catalyst for my calling as a hypnotherapist: the Universe letting me know that yes, Jami, you are on the right path. I can’t begin to describe how lit up I felt after facilitating this. It felt like something straight out of a Dolores Cannon book! (She’s my inspiration in the field of hypnotherapy, and if this material interests you, I highly recommend reading her work). This session also provided a huge boost of confidence for me as a practitioner. It presented new and unexpected twists and turns, and I feel I navigated it well.
For George, well, read on to find out what he got out of it!
G: It started out with trees and went to clouds.
J: Can you tell me more about the trees and the clouds?
G: One big tree. The clouds are just swirling… right before a storm.
J: Is it about to storm?
G: It may.
J: Tell me more about yourself. What do you look like?
G: I don’t really see myself.
J: What do you feel like?
G: Strong.
J: Are you male or female?
G: Male.
J: Are you young or old? Or somewhere in between?
G: In between.
J: Can you get a sense of what you're wearing?
G: It just keeps swirling.
J: Tell me more about this swirling. What does it feel like or look like?
G: Everything's mixed up, like… ink. Ink in a bowl that's churning and taking all the… different swirls.
J: Is this a physical bowl and physical ink that you're seeing? – Yeah. — Are you supposed to do something with it?
G: I'm not sure.
J: What do you want to do?
G: Make cookies. (chuckles)
J: Why do you want to make cookies?
G: Because they help people.
J: How do they help people?
G: Save someone's life.
J: How so?
G: Couldn't eat. Couldn't put on any weight. In her 80s. Shaking. I offered my cookies. No other things could save her life. Doctors couldn't figure it out. She threw away her drugs (chuckles). The shaking stopped. She put on weight.
J: Are you a healer?
G: (begins gasping in what seems to be amazement) (long pause) My whole body… Filled up as soon as you said that.
J: How so?
G: (deep inhaling) It feels like something's inside, it just filled up, it was a great feeling…
I’ll add here that George IS a healer, and has gone on to offer great healing for many people—a business which has grown exponentially since this session.
J: And what do you think that is?
G: I almost felt like another person. I'd be inside of my… every inch of my body. Every... Just full of… to the tips of my toes, everything to my fingertips, my ears. (gasp)
J: It sounds like you're filling with energy. (pause) Would you like to sit with that energy for a moment?
(Long pause)
G: That was amazing.
J: Would you like to describe it some more?
G: It came in from my head. Covered every inch of my body. All the way down to my toes. It felt like there was another layer of skin underneath my current layer and just, kind of, pressing up against it.
J: And what does this feeling mean to you?
G: (gets emotional) A hug.
J: That sounds wonderful.
G: (getting more emotional)
J: Allow yourself to feel whatever comes up from this. Allow yourself to move through all the feelings that come up through this. Welcome it as a gift. And thank it for the gift.
(Long pause with deep breathing)
G: (emotional) She knew I'd be back.
J: Who is she?
G: My mom.
George’s mom passed away when he was a young man, and she came up in his first session, in which he did a lot of healing work.
J: Tell me more about what you're experiencing with your mom right now.
G: (soft crying)
J: Breathe through whatever comes out and allow it to move through you. Use the breath to guide it through you.
G: She said it was okay I didn't say goodbye.
(more deep breathing and soft crying)
J: What's happening now?
G: I get a peaceful feeling.
J: What else?
G: I feel like she left.
J: Where did she go?
G: Back up into the clouds.
J: Would you like to explore a memory of a lifetime where you two were together before?
G: (chuckling) I was always a camera bug.
J: Tell me more.
G: She got mad when I… I don’t know what I was doing, I just… I ended up getting a picture of her back and all she had on was her bra. (chuckles) I was always being a little shit.
J: Is this a memory from your current lifetime?
G: Yes.
J: Would you like to explore it some more? Or would you like to go back farther?
G: Go back farther.
I invited him to rewind time back before his birth.
G: The clouds are gone.
J: What else do you notice?
G: It’s all white. It’s all blank… blank space with… little geometrical designs.
J: What does that mean to you?
G: (surprised) It’s like a spaceship.
J: Tell me more. Describe it to me.
G: It has a hatch. A round hatch.
J: Are you still in the white blankness, or has the world taken some sort of shape or form around you?
G: All I see is the ship.
J: Okay. Describe that hatch to me. What's going on?
G: It's round.
J: Does it open?
G: Not sure.
J: Does this feel familiar to you?
G: No.
J: How are you feeling about it?
G: Intrigued.
J: Would you like to find out more about it? — Yeah — How can you do that? Can you move forward through it or can you enter through the hatch?
G: I’m seeing a window.
J: Tell me more about the window. Can you see in it?
G: It's out in space.
J: Then what happens?
G: I think I’m a gunner. It's a pod, with a single chair.
J: Are you on the ship? — Yes. — Can you tell me what you see?
G: I see the chair I'm sitting in, and it's facing the window. Like I'm a gunner, but there's nothing going on. All I see is stars.
J: Can you describe your body to me? If you're male or female or what you're wearing?
G: I don't see myself.
J: Can you feel yourself?
G: A little bit, but I can't make any distinctions.
J: It's okay. Can you look down at yourself? See if you see what you look like as you're sitting in this chair?
G: I'm standing next to the chair in a flight suit.
J: Are you human? — Yes. — Is anybody else with you? — No. — Is anybody else on the ship at all?
G: Yeah, there has to be. It's a big ship.
J: Do you know where you're going?
G: Alpha Centauri.
After the session as we talked about what came up for him, he mentioned that he really liked watching the show Lost in Space when he was young, and the characters were headed to Alpha Centauri. He wondered if that’s why that came up, and that led him to a bit of confusion if that part was made up.
I believe hypnotherapy sessions like these are much like dreams. Pieces of things that make sense to us or are familiar to us present themselves in our dreams to help us relate as the dream also unfolds stories that seem foreign and strange. I believe most dreams are symbols from the subconscious trying to help us understand a deeper layer of the story of our lives in ways that can help guide us toward better choices and a better future.
Whether George made all of this up or not, whether any of it was real or not; the meaning behind it was real, and his subconscious was trying to open him up to parts of himself that had been hidden because it was now time for him to understand himself on a new and deeper level.
J: What's there?
G: I'm not sure.
J: Would you like to find out?
G: Yeah.
J: Fast forward to the time that you arrive at Alpha Centauri and tell me what you experience when you arrive there.
G: (awed) Big…
J: What else?
G: Walking off the ship for a leave.
J: And what are you doing?
G: Walking down a plank.
J: And then what?
G: I notice the other individuals, but they're not human.
J: Can you describe what they look like?
G: Yes… Big head. Fingers are… got some claws.
J: How tall are they?
G: That guy looks like he's about 15 foot tall.
After the session he said that while Alpha Centauri was something from a TV show, this creature was something he’s sure he’d never seen before, and he didn’t know how he could have made that up.
J: Wow. Are they friendly?
G: Yeah.
J: Do you know them?
G: (matter-of-fact) We all work together.
J: What work do you do?
G: Protectors of the galaxy.
J: How long have you been doing this?
G: For a while. I know everybody. It's like a job.
J: Do you like it?
G: Yeah. Camaraderie.
J: Would you like to tell me more about these beings? Or would you like to see what happens next?
G: You could really scratch your back good with claws like that.
J: (chuckles) What color are they? These beings?
G: Green. Green with a brown overlay, kind of a light green with a darker overtone, or a brown, a reddish brown.
J: What kind of skin do they have?
G: Scaly.
J: What are they wearing?
G: Jumpsuit.
J: What color?
G: Dark brown with patches… I can't make out the patches.
J: Did they speak to you?
G: Yeah, we're all friends.
J: What are their voices like? What's their communication like?
G: We all talk the same. Everybody has a human voice, or it sounds that way.
J: Are they saying anything to you?
G: We have translators. We wear them in our flight suits so we can understand what everybody's saying. So it all sounds the same.
J: And can you hear what they're saying? Or do you know what they're saying?
G: It's time to report for duty.
J: And so what do you do next?
G: I guess we're heading back out.
J: Are they coming with you? — Yeah. — Where are you going?
G: (sounding nervous) Some kind of problem.
J: What happened?
G: We won't know until we get there.
J: Where is there? Where are you going?
G: We're back in the ship. We're just flying. Waiting to see what happens.
J: Is something going to happen while you're flying or when you arrive?
G: (somber) When we arrive.
J: Would you like to fast forward to when you arrive? — No. — What happens next then?
G: We’re just sitting. Waiting.
J: What are you waiting for?
G: (labored breath) Our death.
J: Why?
G: It’s too big.
J: What is?
G: Spaceship.
J: How do you know you're gonna die?
G: I got that feeling.
J: What's happening now?
G: I just go around the corner, getting a book.
J: (pause) Now what are you experiencing?
G: Everything is getting garbled up. Everything is dissolving.
J: Where are you now?
G: I’m still in space.
J: Still in the ship? — No. — Are you alive?
G: Yeah. I'm on a planet.
J: What planet?
G: I'm not sure.
J: Is anybody else there?
G: Oh yeah, a lot of people.
J: Do you know them? — No. — What do they look like?
G: I see a bunch of, like, stringy antenna-looking things.
J: On these beings? Or on the planet?
G: On the beings. I can’t distinguish where one stops and the other starts. They're kind of... They’re just looking for help. They want me to help them.
J: What do they need help with?
G: They don't want to die.
J: How are they dying?
G: Some of them are turning brown.
J: What color are they originally?
G: Kind of an off-white, kind of a light, like a green pit.
J: What's causing them to turn brown?
G: It's a fungus.
J: And are you able to help them?
G: It seems to be going away.
J: What is?
G: The fungus.
J: Are you doing something to make it go away?
G: I'm spraying something.
J: Tell me more about spraying this thing.
G: I’ve got a light on. I'm spraying it with light.
J: Hmm. How so? Where's it coming from?
G: A machine. It's working.
J: How did you know this would work?
G: I don't know. I had it with me.
J: Do you use this often?
G: I think so. (amazed) We can fly, too.
J: On your own or with help with a machine? Or a device?
G: It's my suit.
J: Are you flying now? — No. — Are you still spraying?
G: No, it’s done.
J: Now what's happening?
G: Found a bigger hole with more in there. I gotta go in.
J: What happens when you go in?
G: It’s dark. Very dark…
J: What's in there?
G: Little creatures.
J: Can you describe them to me?
G: They don't like the light.
J: Why not?
G: It kills them. My suit’s made out of the light.
J: Are these creatures good or bad?
G: Bad.
J: And what are you doing?
G: Getting rid of them. They got to go.
J: What do they look like?
G: Little amoeba-looking things, like little germs are in parts.
J: How big are they?
G: The size of a baseball, and some of them, most of them are… sludge. Some of them get bigger, able to move around easier. Those are the ones you gotta watch out for. But they, they can't take the light. That's why your suit will protect you.
J: Where'd they come from?
G: The planet. Deep inside the planet.
J: Were they causing those other beings to be dying? — Yes. — How did you know they needed your help?
G: They called. Sent a distress signal.
J: Is anyone else helping you get rid of these little creatures?
G: Yeah. My suit glows.
J: What happens next?
G: I'm radiating. My suit is radiating light.
We spent some time talking about this experience afterward. He was amazed by the radiating light, and it made us both think about how light conquers the darkness. In many ways, it’s his light that is doing so much healing work in his current lifetime, and the kind of work he does correlates directly with the experience he had on this planet, which we also found fascinating.
J: And are the creatures going away?
G: Yeah, they're going back to the center of the plant where they belong.
J: Would you like to see what happens next or fast forward to when your work is done?
G: Fast forward.
J: Let me know when you've arrived and when your work is done.
G: I'm done. Time to go home.
J: Where is home?
G: Back to Alpha Centauri.
J: Would you like to fast forward to when you arrive there? — Yeah. — Alright. Find yourself back on Alpha Centauri. Let me know what you're experiencing.
G: I have a family.
J: What's your family like?
G: I see my wife and little girl.
J: What do they look like?
G: Blue. Daughter’s more purple. No hair.
J: What do their faces look like?
G: Okay, at a distance. (chuckles) They’re kind of ugly when you get up close! (laughs)
J: (laughing) Are you one of them?
G: No.
J: What do you look like?
G: I got a bunch of knots on my hand. I ain't too good-looking myself.
J: What color are you?
G: Flesh color.
J: Like a human? — Yeah. — Are you a human? — No. — And what are you doing with your family?
G: They’re meeting me from work.
J: What's your home like?
G: An apartment. Small. Very small. It's got a metal sliding door going in. The beds are retractable.
J: Are there rooms?
G: It's one room.
J: And what's in this room?
G: Everything you would need. You got the cooking and cleaning on the left, you got the beds on the right that turn into couches during the day. Nobody complains though. That's the way it is.
J: Do you spend a lot of time in this home, or do you spend time outside of it?
G: There's not too many places to go. We spend a lot of time in the room.
J: What do you do in there?
G: We play games, talk. Very small room.
J: Is anything happening now?
G: Just family time.
J: Would you like to spend some time here or fast forward to a significant event?
G: Fast forward.
J: I'd like you to fast-forward time and arrive at a significant event that's happening in this lifetime. Let me know what you're experiencing.
G: I’m in my chair.
J: The chair on the spaceship? — Yeah. — What are you doing there?
G: Looking at something.
J: What are you looking at?
G: It's odd… Like a floating pile of scrap. Just has a bunch of round areas on it, but, really in bad shape.
J: Is this something on the ship or something you're seeing through the window?
G: Seeing through the window. Now we're looking at it from somebody else's ship. Looks like it's deserted.
J: What's important about this?
G: I’m not sure, we got to go check it out. We gotta, it’s our job. There's lifeforms.
J: What are they like?
G: (getting emotional and upset) They're big. They're not supposed to be there.
J: Where'd they come from?
G: They're pirates.
J: And so what happens next?
G: Can't wait. We gotta help them.
J: Who are you helping?
G: People on the ship.
J: Who are the people on the ship?
G: People that live there.
J: They live on the ship or do they live on a planet?
G: They live on a ship. It's a big ship.
J: Are you in space or are you on a planet?
G: We're in space.
J: And what are you helping them with?
G: Pirates are trying to rob them.
J: And what do you do to help?
G: There’s a lot of them. (deep breaths) We need backup.
J: Are you getting back up?
G: No. It's too far out.
J: What happens next?
G: We need a diversion.
J: What are you doing?
G: Trying to get the people away. Away from the guns.
J: Do you do that?
G: We neutralize the threat. Our weapons are much more advanced.
J: And then what?
G: (getting emotional) We didn't save them all. (soft crying)
J: Were you able to save some?
G: Yeah.
J: Where are the pirates now?
G: Dead.
J: Are the ones that you saved safe?
G: Yeah, only a few died. They're still grateful for our service. (crying) There was a baby! (crying) It’s all the momma had.
J: Can you comfort her?
G: (crying harder) I'm not from around here. I don't know their ways. I can feel her pain…
J: Does anyone come to help her?
G: No, she's here by herself.
J: Where is everyone else?
G: Just watching, standing around.
J: What can you do?
G: (still crying) I can't do anything.
J: Are you still wearing the suit of light?
G: I still have my uniform on.
J: Is there any way you can share light with her?
G: It won't help. Her baby's dead. There’s no way to bring it back.
J: Can you imagine yourself sending her love and strength to go on?
G: (deep breathing)
J: And can that be enough to help?
G: (crying harder) How could I have helped her?
J: Remember you're safe.
G: If I could have got there quicker…
J: But you did help many, didn't you? — Yeah. — You did the best you could.
G: (calming down) Yeah.
J: You got there as soon as you could? — Yeah. — So there was nothing more you could do?
G: We had to be cautious. If we die, we can't help nobody else.
J: That's right. Now you can go on and help more people. Is there anything else you'd like to experience, or remember while you're in this lifetime? Before we return back to your own present lifetime?
G: No.
J: Any last information you'd like to gather while you're here in this place?
G: Just taking one last look around.
J: Take your time, and know that you can come back here anytime you wish. Would you like to describe anything before you go?
G: No.
I closed with gratitude for the experience and the suggestions that he’d continue to gain understanding and clarity from this experience in the days following, then I led him back to the door and back up the staircase.
After the session, George sat up and stared for a moment, collecting himself. Finally said, “What the &#$% was that?” We had a bit of a laugh—I’m pretty sure when he said he wanted to see what a past life regression was like, he was expecting something more along the lines of seeing himself as a medieval knight or a Tibetan monk; the typical things people expect when booking that kind of session. Finding himself in space and not even human definitely came as a surprise!
He couldn't help but be hooked after this. He wanted to learn more, and so we’ve had many more sessions
This was my first time having a client remember lives off-planet, but this is not uncommon in the hypnotherapy world. If you’d like to learn more, I highly recommend checking out Dolores Cannon’s work, especially her Convoluted Universe series. Other good ones are Souls on Earth: Exploring Interplanetary Past Lives by Dr. Linda Backman, and Journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life Between Lives by Michael Newton.
I can’t wait to share the rest of George’s adventures off planet and between lives, and even more so I’m excited to continue to share my journey as a hypnotherapist!