This session brought my client, Laura, into past life memories that took a look at family dynamics from different angles, from struggling as a single mother, to an orphaned young woman, to the matriarch of a large family full of love and abundance.
Laura booked her session out of curiosity, and it was definitely an enlightening experience!
Just a reminder, Laura is not her real name, I chose that name at random to preserve anonymity.
I asked Laura to describe what she saw or experienced when she arrived in the memory.
Laura: It’s like… black and white and industrial feeling, like a long time ago… like dirty… horse carriage feeling… I’m a mom… poor… walking on the street, holding hands with a child, but it’s dirty, and dark, and gray.
Jami: Can you see what you or your child are wearing?
I like to have the client describe themselves physically not only for the added visual info but also to lock them into that present moment, making the experience more tangible for them.
L: It feels like a big skirt and shawl and something on my head. It’s cold. But I can see a carriage, like… like I’m on the street.
J: Do you notice anything else on the street?
L: There’s a lot of people, like in a city, it feels like it’s really cold and damp, like industrial, like industrial time, a lot of machinery around me.
J: Do you notice any emotions inside of you?
L: Somewhat like… desperation.
J: Do you feel pulled to go anywhere? A building maybe, or a person?
L: Um.. I just walk on the street, almost like I watch everything go by me.
J: Who else is in your family at this time?
I ask these questions to gather more information that can help lock the client into their present experience, bringing them more into that moment.
L: I feel alone, like widowed maybe.
J: Do you remember your relationship with your husband?
L: Um, it feels like he, like he was injured or something… like despair.
J: I want you to move forward into a significant moment or place within this lifetime. Anything that has value or teaches you a lesson or gives you insight. Find yourself arriving at that time or place.
L: Probably like the birth of a child I guess? (Gets emotional)
J: Can you describe what you’re experiencing?
L: I guess fear, some fear. Relief, gratitude.
J: What do you feel relief about?
L: I guess the pain of labor, being sick was over.
J: Is your husband present?
L: Yeah.
J: Is this your only child?
L: No.
J: Is this your first child?
L: Yeah.
J: And what are you doing now?
L: Laying in the hospital bed.
J: Do you have your child with you?
L: Yeah.
J: Is there anything you need to say or want to say to your child?
L: Um, it just felt like… (Gets emotional) we’d been together before.
J: Would you like to go back and see where you’ve been together before?
L: Yeah.
J: Is there anything else you want to see from this life before we go?
L: It just feels really deep.
J: How?
L: Like, buried.
J: Do you feel like that’s coming from another point in this lifetime or a past lifetime?
L: Past.
I guided her to go back to the cloud to follow the child’s energy back to a time or place where they may have been together before. I use a visualization of a cloud to transport the client into their different memories.
L: I’m running through a field, like tall grass, sun, open fields.
J: Can you tell who you are?
L: I’m young, like twenties maybe, it’s like prairie feeling.
J: Are you male or female?
L: Female.
J: What kind of emotions do you feel?
L: Joy, like open, free-spirited.
J: Is anybody with you?
L: It feels like, just children. I don’t know if, like, siblings, it doesn’t feel like a child, like my child.
J: Is your home nearby?
L: Yeah
J: Do you have parents?
L: Yeah.
J: What are they like?
L: It just feels like, stable, like happy family.
J: Is there any one person’s energy that stands out to you more?
L: Somebody in the field, like running in the field.
J: How old is this person?
L: Just a few years younger, female.
J: Does this feel like a sister or a friend?
L: Sister. It feels like I’m the oldest sister, like the oldest child.
J: Describe what you’re wearing.
L: Like a blouse and a skirt, like cotton, like prairie.
J: Can you see your house?
L: Yeah, it’s like we’re running in the field on top of a hill and you can look down and see the house, it’s a cabin. Open fields.
J: What other significant feelings are coming up for you?
L: It’s like we work the land, with animals, like a farm. We’re very family, hard working, and openness. It feels happy, it feels safe, like ours.
J: What’s your favorite kind of work to do here?
L: It feels like we have animals, like caring for the animals.
J: How do you feel when you care for the animals?
L: Like simple, grounded. (She gets emotional again)
J: How does that feel to you?
L: Nurturing.
J: Do you feel like that feeling is present in your current life?
L: Not as much as that did.
J: I invite you to take that feeling of nurture and simplicity and hold that within you, and remember you can feel that at any time you like.
I invited her to move forward to a significant event in that lifetime, but she ended up jumping back into her current one.
L: I’m buying my house, in this lifetime. It feels like an accomplishment, something that’s mine.
J: Does this tie back to any of those two lifetimes you saw?
L: It feels like it’s to create that similar feeling of safety and a home and a family, and the one before it just felt like I was destitute, like I just lost it all.
J: You’ve felt like that before.
L: Yes.
J: Were you able to change that feeling in that industrial lifetime?
L: It doesn’t feel like it. It feels like I died that way.
J: Do you feel you made the changes in this lifetime to reconcile with that lifetime?
L: Yeah, it does.
J: And it’s okay to let your former self know that things work out. You did your best then, and you’re doing even better now.
I like to pause in these moments to really let the lessons sink in. There’s so much healing in forgiving the past, and in bringing awareness to the deeper layers of what was going on. This is one of the reasons this type of hypnosis is so powerful, and my favorite part of it is that the client is in control of the experience. It’s not about me as the facilitator giving advice or suggestions, I’m guiding the client to find their own answers.
After giving suggestions of reassurance, we decided to move to a different lifetime.
L: It feels like I'm in a house, like an estate, white… house.
J: Can you tell who you are?
L: It’s my home. I feel like I'm a woman, but I'm in this house and I can't… There's something with me that I can't leave. I’m looking out through the window, outside.
J: What is it you’re feeling you can’t leave?
L: Sad.
J: Can you tell why you’re sad?
L: It just feels like I’m lonely… sad.
J: Where’s this loneliness coming from? A physical loneliness or something deeper?
L: I’m not alone in this house, but it feels like I'm depressed, like I'm removing myself from everyone.
J: Can you describe the house a little more?
L: It’s like I see me, versus seeing out. It feels like, almost Victorian time, like this stately home by water, and I'm upstairs looking out the window. I’m probably 30?
J: So is this a home of a husband or a parent?
L: It feels like family home, like I’m back there? Like I’m a daughter… or some family… like cousins, or a niece or something. It doesn’t feel like I belong but it’s the only place I can be.
J: Is this the house you grew up in?
L: No.
J: What happened to the house you grew up in?
L: It feels like it's all I have left.
J: Do you have parents?
L: No. It feels like I lost them a long time ago. Like I don't know what they look like, necessarily.
J: Do you have any memory of why you lost them?
L: It doesn’t feel tragic, but it feels like we’re wealthy, like illness or something, it doesn’t feel tragic.
J: Do you have any siblings?
L: Doesn’t feel like it.
J: Do you have anybody that you are close with?
L: I just feel very by myself in this big house, and I should be okay but I’m … I don’t even want to leave the room, I just look out the window, I see myself in the window.
J: Would you like to move back to when this feeling began in you?
L: Sure.
I encouraged her to move back to the source of loneliness and depression, to when and why it started.
L: It feels like I was orphaned, like something happened to them and this is the only family that took me in and… outcasted.
J: Does your family that took you in not treat you well?
L: Um… like I’m not given the opportunities that the other kids are. Like this is the life I have, it’s just here.
J: How old are you in this moment?
L: I’m young, like young enough to have a life still. Not married, I have nobody. Nobody close.
J: Is there anything you think you could do to change that situation?
L: Feels like I would have to leave. Abandon all of it and leave. In order to have a life of my own.
J: How does the thought of doing that feel?
L: Really really hard. Scary.
J: Is there any point in this lifetime where you do choose to do that?
L: I don’t think so…
J: Do you feel like you stay in this house forever?
L: I feel like I don’t leave. I feel like I wait.
J: I’d like you to move to a significant time in this life, to some sort of lesson you learned or experience you had.
L: (Gets emotional) Graduating college, I would say.
J: In this lifetime or present lifetime?
L: Present.
J: How does it feel graduating college?
L: Proud, excited, accomplished.
J: You did something, maybe you got out of a stuck situation?
L: Yeah ‘cause I did it by myself.
J: Was it hard or scary?
L: It was hard, but it was easy to do.
J: You accomplished something, you made a life for yourself, certainly not stuck or trapped. Can you go back to that Victorian-era you and let her know you’re not stuck? And you accomplished great things and surrounded yourself with the love that you deserve and the care that you deserve?
L: Yeah.
J: How does the former version of yourself feel knowing that?
L: Relief, cuz it felt so impossible.
J: It was probably really hard back then to do those things, but you did the best you could.
L: Yeah, I think I was too afraid, too trapped feeling, to try.
J: Do you feel you would have been capable of trying, had you been able to overcome that trapped feeling?
L: I don’t think I felt the risk was worth it.
J: Is it worth it today?
L: Yeah.
J: Is there anything else you’d like to pull from that lifetime or learn from it?
L: No.
A lot of times things intuitively pop into my mind as the session is moving along. When I think of something, I trust that there’s a reason it’s coming up, and I speak it. This time, Laura’s child from the first memory she visited came into my mind.
J: I’m thinking of your child that you birthed in that first lifetime. Do you feel you learned what you needed to know from that? Or would you like to explore that deeper?
L: Yeah we can do that.
I guided her back to the cloud and moved her to that lifetime.
L: It’s the first one and it’s our home, we’re poor, and it feels like everything is still very gray and dark and dingy, but it’s like our home, it’s all we have left. It's like one room, like a fireplace in the middle and one room, wood, we’re so destitute.
J: And it’s you and your child?
L: Yeah, it feels like, my husband, he was a laborer, and he died, and we were left with nothing. We’re just living on scraps. I was just doing what I could do to not have him be upset or worried or scared. And it’s cold where we are.
I moved her forward to a significant time.
L: It feels like we don’t live long. I don’t know if we get sick or something but it feels like it’s shortened. I don’t feel us growing up or aging.
J: How do you feel about that?
L: Um… sad, but we were very much on our own, I feel like it didn’t matter. There was no impact by our death.
J: Is there anything you’d like to say to your son or anything you’d like to hear for your son?
L: It feels like it was probably for the best because our future was very grim.
J: Is there anything your present self would like to say to that version of you?
L: (Getting emotional) That it’s over.
J: It’s over. You don’t have to suffer anymore and you did your best. And you can know that in this life too, and you do have a big life ahead of you with lots of possibilities. Do you feel any familiarity with that little boy’s soul?
L: It feels like… he was like… like I was connected. It feels like my best friend, like really close.
J: Do you feel that kind of closeness with anyone in this life?
L: It feels like Emily (her daughter in this lifetime – name changed for anonymity). Like playful, like made the best of how awful it was.
J: That’s a pretty powerful soul, to be able to do that. And you’re giving her a much better life than that little boy. Do you think you can reconcile with that life, knowing that?
L: Yes.
We then moved to a different lifetime.
L: It’s more of a feeling, I can’t quite see where I’m at, but it’s like a feeling of a companion, like a partner, like I have experienced that love before.
J: Can you tell if you have a body?
L: I can’t quite place where… but it’s like a beyond… like a feeling of genuine love, like a genuine unconditional love partner, like embracing.
J: Can you tell if you’re in a physical location?
L: It just feels like open space, it feels like long ago, youthful, like first love kind of feel.
J: Is this a former lifetime? Or is it outside of your physical life?
L: I can’t quite place, like, physical, but it’s really like that sensation feel.
J: Does that feeling feel familiar to you?
L: It feels like what I want. It feels like a desire.
J: Can you tell who this partner is? Where you’re at?
L: It feels like… he has dark hair, he has a suit on… and I have on like a… like my hair’s pulled up and a hat on… it’s like a… an estate kind of feel. Outside.
J: So you’re female?
L: Yeah, he’s tall and slender, and like… pocketwatch.
J: Can you tell how old either of you are?
L: Like 20, like young.
J: How did you two meet?
L: It feels like families, or like our families are connected. I don’t know if it’s our wedding but it feels like a special occasion, I’m in white.
This is an example of how just feeling into the moment can bring more to the surface. In this case, Laura wasn’t seeing anything at first, but the more she focused in on what she was feeling and explored it with an open mind, the more information came forward, and imagery took shape.
J: How are you feeling?
L: Just so much excitement and so content.
J: Do you feel content because he’s in your life or do you feel content because you are?
L: It feels content because I’m going to be cared for and I feel like I have a plan, like a future to build, and a life to live.
J: Is that desired life possible because he’s in your life or are you able to do that because you have the ability to?
L: It feels like in that time you needed to be wed to do that.
J: And he loves you?
L: Yes, it feels wholehearted.
J: Do you ever have children together?
L: It feels like, yeah, like we create a family, like heritage it feels like, it feels real stately, it feels very full.
We moved to a significant time in that life.
L: I just picture, inside this home, like library feeling with a fireplace, and just kids and dogs and they’re sitting around, it feels stately, formal, but very happy and family and laughter and like telling stories, around the fire, laughing.
J: Do you grow old in this house?
L: Yeah, it’s our home, like it’s passed down through generations kind of home.
We move forward again.
L: It feels like we have sons that take over the home, I live a long life, and I die in the home but I am very content, easy… I was cared for. I did not work hard. I just raised the children.
J: And you enjoyed that life?
L: Yeah it’s what I wanted. I didn’t feel like I wanted more. I didn’t have this achievement to do more, it felt like I had everything provided for me, and I was happy in my home.
J: And you feel perfectly accepting and content with that?
L: Yeah and there are pictures, like paintings of me on the wall, it feels like that home was a generational home, and there are pictures on the wall. Like I was the matriarch at one point.
J: Does this feel like it holds significance to this present life for you?
L: It’s that happy home feeling, like everybody’s there, peaceful, joyous home, in raising a family and passing things on.
J: Is it possible that there’s great accomplishment in not working hard?
L: (laughs) It feels like a conflict with something. It felt like my work was raising kids and maintaining the home.
J: And that came easy to you.
L: It felt like that was what I wanted. I can picture the staircase going up, like this big grand wood staircase and stained glass windows and I had pride in my home and my family and being able to pass it on. I’m leaving a legacy.
Laura was really good at tuning into the imagery. I just want to note that that’s not always the case – we all as individuals experience things in our own unique way. For Laura it was through visuals, but for others it’s through emotions, or physical touch, or sound. I encourage my clients to come in with as few to no expectations as possible, and to be open to whatever comes to them through any of their six senses. It doesn’t have to be sight/vision! That just happened to be a strong point for Laura and she did great following those visuals and exploring them.
J: Do you feel like you’re doing that in this lifetime?
L: I hope I can. It feels like my desire for that comes … it wants that again.
J: Do you know what’s holding you back from maybe not having that again?
L: I don’t know if it's… I already had it so I don't get it again… I also had so many losses that I don't know if I’ll get it again.
J: Do you believe that to be true?
L: I just feel like I want that because it was so good, but I don't know if I’ll get it this lifetime.
J: What changes do you think you could make in this lifetime to allow for you to have that again? Or to at least have that feeling again?
L: I think just letting go, and stop trying to plan it all out.
This is another example of why I love this technique so much – Laura was able to come to that conclusion on her own, finding her own answers to the questions she sought that brought her to this session.
J: Do you think you planned all this out when you were in that matriarchal lifetime?
L: It feels like that plan was made for me.
J: And it was the plan you wanted? And it was the plan that was right for you in that life?
L: Yeah, and it was understood, and known, and acceptable, and expected.
J: Would you be able to accept that perhaps this life now was also planned out for you?
L: Uh… I feel like I have to. (Laughs) And looking back at the others, they were filled with joy and heartache both.
J: We learn a lot of valuable lessons through heartache. And this life definitely has both. And I think it’s possible to draw from all the wisdom from those three that you experienced today and apply them to this life. You’ve got a lot of opportunity to make changes in this life that you weren’t able to make in other lifetimes.
After some added closure, I brought her back into conscious awareness and we reflected on what she gained and learned from the session.
This was a really great session that correlated to a lot of what Laura had going on in her present life. She made connections to the life on the prairie to her current life in the joy she feels working with animals. The sense of home and family was something very important to her in her current life, which was clearly deeply rooted in her. It was a great opportunity to see how exploring our curiosity in what experiences we may have had in a past life can open doors to answers in our current lives.