About Jami
Jami Christine has always been an out-of-the-box thinker, looking at life from different angles and marching to her own drum. After her dark night of the soul in 2011 followed by her grandmother’s death in 2013, she began to take a deeper look at life’s challenges and the positive reasons behind them, as well as the mysteries of death and the afterlife. Thus came the story of The Transcendent, which she hopes inspires, uplifts, and encourages people of all ages on their soul journey.
When Jami is pretending to be an adult, she's a massage therapist and transcendental hypnotherapist in Southern Illinois. Jami thinks she’s a pretty cool adult, but when she’s not adulting, she’s either out on an adventure with friends or with her two sons, gone for a run, painting something colorful, lost in a song she’s playing on the piano, or geeking out about astrology or anything metaphysical (she’s an Aquarius, by the way).
Writing is her favorite pastime, though, so if you like The Transcendent, you’ll be happy to know there’s more in store where that came from. Sign up for her newsletter below to stay in the loop!